A specification gives you the facts that match a set of conditions.
But sometimes you want to transform the facts into a different shape.
You can do that with the select
const postsInSite = model.given(Site).match((site, facts) =>
.join(post => post.site, site)
.select(post => ({
hash: j.hash(post),
createdAt: post.createdAt
When you select the hash or a field of a fact, the resulting value is immutable. That's because facts themselves are immutable. If you want to project something that changes, you can select a sub-specification.
const postsInSite = model.given(Site).match((site, facts) =>
.join(post => post.site, site)
.select(post => ({
hash: j.hash(post),
createdAt: post.createdAt,
titles: facts.ofType(PostTitle)
.join(title => title.post, post)
.select(title => title.value)