Declare a Component

We'll declare a component to display a site. Inside the src folder, create a folder called components. Inside that folder, create a file called SiteContainer.tsx.

Let's create a simple component that displays the domain name of the site.

In React:

import { Site } from '../model/blog';

interface SiteContainerProps {
  site: Site | null;

export function SiteContainer({ site }: SiteContainerProps) {
  return (

Or in React Native:

import { Site } from '../model/blog';

interface SiteContainerProps {
  site: Site | null;

export function SiteContainer({ site }: SiteContainerProps) {
  return (

Now you can add this component to the app in App.tsx.

import { SiteContainer } from './components/SiteContainer';

function App() {

  return (
    <div className="App">  // or <View>
      <SiteContainer site={site} />

Run the app and you'll see "" displayed on the page. Horray!

Site domain displayed in the container

OK, so maybe that's not so exciting. Wouldn't it be better to display the posts? Let's do that.

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Match Successor Facts

Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President