
Call j.fact to create a new fact. This method is asynchronous. It will be resolved when the fact has been persisted. It returns the fact that was just created.

    prototype: T
): Promise<T>;

Creating a fact stores it locally, shares it upstream to the replicator, and updates active watches.


Create a simple top-level fact.

const tagReact = await j.fact({
    type: 'Blog.Tag',
    name: 'React'

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Create a fact with a single predecessor. Why is this called a predecessor? Because it comes before. We have to have a person before they can write a blog post.

const post = await j.fact({
    type: 'Blog.Post',
    created: new Date(),    // Will be converted to an ISO string, such as '2018-12-23T22:46:02.487Z'.
    author: person          // Where person is the result of a previous j.fact.

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Create a fact with multiple predecessors. Just put them in an array.

await j.fact({
    type: 'Blog.Post.Tags',
    post: post,
    tags: [tagReact, tagCss, tagMicroFrontends]

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You can specify the predecessors inline. The predecessor facts will be persisted first. However, persistence is not guaranteed to be atomic.

await j.fact({
    type: 'Blog.Post.Tags',
    post: {
        type: 'Blog.Post',
        created: new Date(),
        author: person
    tags: [{
        type: 'Blog.Tag',
        name: 'React'
    }, {
        type: 'Blog.Tag',
        name: 'CSS'
    }, {
        type: 'Blog.Tag',
        name: 'Micro-Frontends'

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Jinaga is a product of Jinaga LLC.

Michael L Perry, President